Our Process

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Ready to Work with Wiley Financial?

Before you get started on the business valuation or business appraisal process it is important to understand the process and have a general idea of the value of your business and/or its assets. At Wiley Financial we make sure that the process is as transparent as possible to ensure our clients feel confident in trusting us with their valuations and appraisals.

Curious About the Value of Your Business?

Our Process

When choosing Wiley Financial for your business valuations or appraisals, you know exactly what you are getting. By following along with the steps below you will know what is expected at each stage of the process.



Free 30 minute phone consultation to discuss the needs of the client and why they are seeking a valuation or appraisal. I will discuss at that time, the process with the client and answer any questions they may have.  If we plan to move forward we will agree on a retainer amount and begin.



Once the client has decided to work with us.  I will write up an engagement letter and NDA for the client to review and sign.  Once I have received the engagement letter and retainer, I will send out the welcome package specific to the clients’ needs.  This will be more in depth than the one on the website.



During this time, I will assist the client to fill out the questionnaire and guide them through the exact financials I will need particular to their project.  At this time, based on the information I receive, I will make final determination of final payment and will have a phone call to discuss and agree. 



Once I have received the information that I need to begin. I will follow up with the client to assure them I have all information to begin.  I will give them an expected date to receive the first draft of the report.  This process takes typically 7-10 business days to prepare the report.


First Draft

Once the first draft is complete. I will email that to the client and set up a time to meet either on zoom or phone to review the report and make any finalizations to the language of the report and discuss how I came to my conclusions. Once we agree on the draft and possible changes, I will finalize the report for distribution.


Final Report

It typically takes 2 to 3 business days for me to finalize the report and put into proper pdf presentation.  Once I receive the final payment for services, I will distribute the final report to the required parties. 



The client has my support for one year to help them in their next steps. Whether that may be talking with the banks, lawyers, partners or any other third parties involved that need further explanation or clarification of the report produced.

If you have a need for business valuation or business appraisal services in San Diego or have questions around business valuation or business appraisal services, Wiley Financial would be happy to help! Please reach us by email at [email protected], by phone at 760-994-8874 or contact us here.