Fundamentals of Functional Business Valuation in Phoenix

Fundamentals of Functional Business Valuation

If you are looking for business valuation in Phoenix, contact us. Wiley Financial is a leading
evaluator with decades of experience. This article looks at the fundamentals of functional
business valuation.

What is a functional business valuation?

Functional business valuation is the allocation of value to a company. It is done for various reasons, the chief reason being to settle a conflict between opposing parties. It evaluates the business, meaning the evaluator will include all assets and liabilities.

The evaluator in Phoenix will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company to identify value-increasing potential. A business owner can decide whether to sell the firm or seek funding.

Concepts of business valuation

There are three primary business valuation concepts: objective, subjective, and functional.

An objective business valuation will mainly overcome a conflict of interest between opposing parties through an evaluator such as Wiley Financial. Subjective valuation does not hold a single value to a business. Instead, it suggests the value is specific and different for every involved part.

Functional business valuation is dependent on the purpose of the business valuation. It emphasizes the need to analyze the objectives, and the value of the business should be connected to these objectives.

Value types in functional business valuation

Functional business valuation has three main functions: decision, mediation/arbitration, and argumentation.

Decision function

The decision function shows the decision value of a company. It focuses on the business value calculation purpose, providing the basis for rational decisions. In short, it presents the limit of the concession willingness of a party in a conflict situation.

It represents the conditions relevant to conflict resolution (conflict-resolution-relevant facts). It also provides acceptable cases in case of an agreement. The decision function is the primary value for all the functions.

Mediation/arbitration function

It is the result of the business valuation within the mediation function scope. It is meant to facilitate an agreement between a buyer and a seller regarding the conditions for the business ownership change. It is the value determined by an independent evaluator such as Wiley Financial.

As you’d expect, it contains an acceptable compromise for both parties. Besides, it does not affect the parties’ decisions but protects their interests.

Argumentation function

Argumentation value is a business value according to the argumentation function. An instrument helps evaluators develop a favorable conflict resolution for parties in an argument. It is also referred to as a prejudiced value since it is dependent on the value of the buyer and seller.

Benefits of functional business valuation

Helps track company growth

Measuring a business’s growth in Phoenix involves checking the company’s balance sheet to ensure liabilities do not outweigh assets. It also helps to identify cash at hand that can be used to pay staff and make essential payments.

One can use different approaches, such as asset valuation and industry multiples, to evaluate a company. The business owner can seek services from a professional business valuation company in Phoenix or a business transfer agent. With business valuation information, you can track the firm’s growth seamlessly.

Competitor benchmarking

If you want to know the state of the industry, business valuation is the way to go. It helps you compare similar businesses using industry benchmarks. Using these benchmarks to determine where your company ranks regarding financial health, market position, and business performance can help you make informed sales, budgeting, and finance decisions.

The business valuation report will provide crucial information such as the business’s weaknesses, strengths, and growth potential. As such, you can use this data to identify opportunities that can help you increase your business’s value.

Informed exit strategy

Business valuation is the first step if you plan on selling your firm. It helps you calculate the fair market value, enabling you to calculate the accurate price to sell your business. It will help you to get the upper hand when negotiating with potential buyers.

Besides, plan to increase the value of the company before a sale. Functional business valuation can help track the company’s growth enabling you to determine if you are meeting the commercial targets. You can also use valuation for partnership buy-out.

To get more funding

Most investors and lenders will need to know the value of your firm before committing their investment. A business valuation report will help them identify areas they can invest in, facilitating your company’s growth.

If your company has a robust balance sheet and positive cash flow, investors will identify it as a low-risk business, making a confident investment decision. At Wiley Financial, we have experienced evaluators who can help with the business valuation in Phoenix.

Helps resolve disputes

It is uncommon to have regular disputes between business owners. Such arguments are due to project delays, contract breaches, and others. And when such conflicts occur, they will turn to mediators to resolve their differences. They will present a valuation that fits their interests.

It is for this reason you need business valuation services from an expert. Wiley Financial will conduct professional business valuation in Phoenix so both parties can have a fair deal.

Helps in determining employee retention plans and benefits

Let’s face it, retaining top employees is a priority for many, if not all, businesses. And for this, they need proper compensation, which should be proportional to the business’s value. A business valuation will help you determine your firm’s value in determining employee compensation.

Reasons for a business valuation

Estate planning

If you need tax planning, you need to understand the value of your business. Keep in the value of your assets and interest in your business should not exceed the federal tax exemption amount. If it does, you’ll need professional help from an evaluator like Wiley Financial. However, you should ensure you comply with Phoenix’s regulations regardless of how small your estate is.

Granting stock options

According to the IRC section 409 (A), you need a formal valuation to grant nonqualified deferred compensation, such as stock options. The rules also state that if a company is to issue stocks to its employees below the market price, they should recognize income. Failure not to observe this rule leads to heft fines and penalties.

Making donations

You may want to donate to a favorite charity. Luckily, you do not have to have a public company. The IRS requires the recipient and donor to provide relevant tax information. If you want to make a significant donation, a legal business evaluator will have to evaluate your business. It should be done 60 days before the contribution.

Creating an ESOP

To set up an ESOP, you must conduct business valuation annually. It will help you progress or productivity. Besides, valuation allows you to identify when to enter or exit an ESOP. As a small business owner, you will need a business valuation in Phoenix to know how much to deduct for shares contribution and what each employee will receive at the end of the year.


A functional business valuation helps in personal and public litigation cases. Tax disputes and disagreements among shareholders can warrant valuation. The primary issue is how much a company is worth.

For fairness opinions

Companies use business valuation when negotiating a merger, management buy-out, tax planning and other legal processes. A fair opinion is a price that involved parties agree on. An evaluator will consider the terms, pricing, and conditions of the agreement and comes up with a fair opinion from a financial point of view.

Defending the company's value

Besides defending the company’s value to lenders and investors, you may need to do the same to your spouse, board of advisors, and shareholders. For example, in case of a divorce case, the court will require your business to be evaluated to decide what share each spouse should get.

Better business management

Businesses often have short and long-term milestones on their roadmap. As such, staying abreast of business strategies is crucial, and one way to go about it is through a regular business valuation. It helps you identify possible risks and opportunities, allowing you to make informed decisions.

With fewer blind spots, you can measure the performance of your business efficiently. A valuation should be necessary whether you are looking for long-term or short-term strategies. Contact Wiley Financial for business valuation in Phoenix.